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About Us


The present church was built in 1907 by Mr. Dalton of Cape Girardeau and housed the Disciples of Christ congregation. By 1909, there were 44 members and in that year Rev. H. F. Stevens became the regular pastor. In 1955, an educational building and fellowship hall were erected along with a new baptistry behind the choir loft.


Today, this church with its stained glass windows is over 115 years old. It is now an independent Christian church after breaking away from the Disciples of Christ almost a decade ago.

Our Pastor
Joe Mooney
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Each year, our congregation participates in the following events.

We would love to have you join us!

  • Monthly congregational potluck

  • Charleston annual Christmas tree sponsor

  • Charleston cookie contest

  • City cakewalk 

  • Spring and fall city parade floats

  • Halloween wagon rides

  • Jesus birthday party

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